wow classic black lotus. 4. wow classic black lotus

4wow classic black lotus  There are a few max level herbs that can now spawn as a black lotus (like plague bloom)

I did add in a few mob grinding spots to do if you. There is no specific location for the black lotus in World of Warcraft. Would play a WoW Classic prequel, that takes place either during or before the War of the Ancients?19 votes, 27 comments. lua in your savedvariables folder, Battle. In the Items category. These Classic WoW guides will detail the best farming routes with written descriptions and map visuals, as well as highlight the terrain for each herb and useful Alchemy recipes. Premium Powerups Explore Gaming. Sign in. The thing is even if they won't do the SoM way of dropping Lotus which increased it's supply massively it's still likely the price will be way below the price we had on Classic. Members Online •. WoW Classic General Discussion. After getting good feedback on my winterspring black lotus guide I decided to make one for Burning Steppes. Black Lotus scarcity has been consistently among the top issues we’ve seen player feedback about, so we’ve decided to update how we handle Black Lotus spawns. Black Lotus scarcity has been consistently among the top issues we’ve seen player feedback about, so we’ve decided to update how we handle Black Lotus spawns. Season of Discovery Will Bring Forced. 15. Hey Guys. Blizzard has announced several upcoming hotfixes for WoW Classic, focused on improving the spawn rate of Black Lotus and hindering WSG exploits. 6/way 31. I found one black lotus while leveling, and a grand total of ONE…When that hunter with resurrection sickness thinks he's going to take your Black Lotus. Burning Steppes has a few spots which have a high concentration of Black Lotus possible spawn spots. Black Lotus now spawns more often and can appear in many new locations. Because these items are highly sought after by players, Black Lotus is in high demand, making it a valuable resource in the game. You can now loot these expensive herbs from normal high level herbs in dire maul. Premium Powerups Explore Gaming. Se você é um jogador de World of Warcraft Classic, provavelmente já ouviu falar da Black Lotus. Addons. I think it is really funny that so many guilds are saying that their players need to flask up for raids, but flasks in vanilla only last 1 hour, and that is like 200 black lotus getting taken out of the economy each raid night per progression guild. I’ve always thought that if we could get like even 1000 people to protest wow for a month, they would lose out on $15k. Since most raiders wont show up without a Petri Flask, there should be a big demand for it. 529K subscribers in the classicwow community. A community for World of Warcraft: Classic fans. . 17 votes, 83 comments. Since the launch of WoW Classic, the game has used the spawn times and locations from original World of Warcraft, but population and social factors have led to Black Lotus being much. Valheim Genshin Impact Minecraft Pokimane Halo Infinite Call of Duty: Warzone Path of Exile Hollow Knight: Silksong Escape from Tarkov Watch Dogs: Legion. move the black lotus to low level raids as random drops from mobs. 3, provide all kinds of World of Warcraft in game data, including maps, items, weapons, armors. This video is a detailed guide on the best route to find black lotus in Silithus for Wow Classic. Wood Elementals are more popular than Black Lotus in tournament play. 125% chance to resist. Black Lotus scarcity has been consistently among the top issues we've seen player feedback about, so we've decided to update how we handle Black Lotus spawns. Typically players run circuits around the zone, passing by spawn. A Black Lotus is a rare herb that can be gathered with Herbalism (300). More updates coming. How do these actually work. 41% US Market Value. Running around Winterspring - find Blotus, return after 40 min and afk the 75 min timer. Black Lotus and SoD - WoW Classic General Discussion - World of Warcraft Forums Black Lotus and SoD Blizz is looking forward to that bot sub money,. Comprehensive guide to Classic WoW Herbalism, including how to quickly level Herbalism from 1-300, best spots to farm herbs, locations of profession trainers, and why this gathering profession is useful. Especially when you consider. I showed the new locations for black lotus in all 4 zones and the route I would personally take. Comment by 56470 Black lotus x2 , bought em and in 2 minutes it had one more, Also sells fel lotus for 4 G (duno if it has relation to the reputation of the fractio). Classic Black Lotus Guide - Winterspring GuideMMO 25K subscribers Join Subscribe 115 Share Save 18K views 2 years ago #blacklotus #warcraft #classicwow Updated lotus. 2 (Vanilla) 1. 1. . The amount of resources available in the world, specifically Black Lotus, cannot support the active raiders in classic. Hawne-blaumeux 28 May 2020 17:28 #1. They currently sell for 30G-40G a piece on our server. The odd black lotus here and there bumps me up about 7-8 gold, but icecap is my workhorse herbalism profit maker. 7 (Vanilla) Level: 60. Black Lotus is an herb that can be gathered by herbalists. 5] 1 star. People, download the WowHead tracker. It is rare in all of these places and never appears anywhere else. Advertisement Coins. It's an easy as fuck, braindead farm, but at least you get more interaction with the game than standing on a mushroom for 4. Whats up, guys?! Here to show off the routes I take to scout out some Black Lotus in Silithus. Fist of Justice Hotfix Coming Soon We think we’ve found a way to fix a bug, and we’re planning to deploy the fix in the next day or two. Specifically, it can be found in the southernmost part of the map, near the Frostwolf Village. Search. Black Lotus is one of the most valuable herbs found in WoW: Classic, largely because of how necessary it. You can now loot these expensive herbs from normal high level herb when farming gol. yes, it is an algorithmic random drop. So I know it’s still early with few people even 300 herbing. I wouldn't recommend holding more than 20% of your net worth in Black lotus, because of this reason. New type of Black lotus mafia. TL/DR version : Stand at Coordinates 28, 62 in Burning Steppes. I wish there was an addon to let you know if the zone has 1 spawned. 0 coins. 10g they have non-hc people or bots farm it for them. I found around 30 Black Lotus farming locations in Burning Steppes. Members Online. 525K subscribers in the classicwow community. There were a black lotus + 3 dreamfoil, 4 mountain silversage and a few low level herb spawns + a rare boss. With raiding content being so ridiculously easy. In the Profession Spells category. TL/DR version : Stand at Coordinates 28, 62 in Burning Steppes. 0. 5+ hours, depending on your luck, and preferably other groups to keep track of spawn timers in other zones. This guide showcases the exact route I take when farming for black lotus in Burning Steppes. Jump into the game and re-import the data. Its seems that only one Black Lotus can spawn in a zone at a time. Black Lotus is an herb that can be gathered by herbalists. You hit the node come back in ~5 mins and its respawn. 15. You can see around 30 spawn points on the map. WoW Classic: Black Lotus Guide GuideMMO 29. . A community for World of Warcraft: Classic fans. Most people would agree that this practice is, if not unfair, quite scummy as you cannot do anything to a dead scout. It's true, when there were plenty of layers, that there was an influx of Black Lotus. I'm always paranoid there's a rogue or druid that's gonna pop out. But most layers are gone or diminished; so the number of Black Lotus isn't really inflated any longer. . Blizzard should increase the spawn rate for lotuses during this last leg of Classic. There are four zones where black lotus can spawn. Select what you want to import and whether to merge with your existing data or replace it. Requires 300 Herbalism to gather. And there’s. The Gathering card "Black Lotus," which is the most valuable card for that game, as it is extremely rare. It exists 100%. 510 votes, 186 comments. . If you wa. Title of post; bring back the Black Lotus to AV and place it smack dab in the center of the map where the Ally and Horde meet. The Black Lotus is the rarest herb and one of the most sought-after crafting reagents in World of Warcraft Classic. Valheim Genshin Impact Minecraft Pokimane Halo Infinite Call of Duty: Warzone Path of Exile Hollow Knight: Silksong Escape from Tarkov Watch Dogs: Legion. After the hotfix approximately two Black Lotus will spawn every 15 minutes, with a limit of 60 per zone. The black lotus bots from classic, at least on my server, would scan the locations of BL (with a hunter) or have a ghost standing at the location and then the bot would go can harvest when a spawn was detected. Comment by Walroz The Frost Lotus is currently the highest level herb in Wotlk there is, and is likely to stay the highest level herb in this exspansion! The Frost Lotus is as the previous Lotus; the Black Lotus (Pre TBC) and the Fel Lotus (TBC), used in Flasks, wich is the most common use of the Lotus plants. The volume of lotus hovers around 20-30 a day. . 0 coins. Black Lotus. The best place to look for the black lotus is in areas where there are a lot of plants and flowers. . 98 at Amazon. Black Lotus tastes like Money. Only 1 lotus can be up at a time. Black Lotus: Black Lotus: Found in open terrain: Burning Steppes, Eastern Plaguelands, Silithus, WinterspringOn Boulderfist, I still farm black lotus in old world regions and make the Flask of Supreme Power. Now that you have all the new locations you can pair this with a 14 hunter or 26 shaman to scan all the new areas quickly. Even when the change to black lotus first happened, there was never two per zone. Lila Lotus ist ein Kraut, das von Kräuterkundigen, zu finden in Stufe 40-60 Gebiete eingesammelt werden kann. Agreed, SoD could also be referred to as WoW Classic Altaholics Anonymous. At least for HC, please change Black Lotus to be collected as a random drop from high level herbs much like Arcane Crystals are from high level nodes. . Time stamps:0:00 Intro0:06 Horde trainers0:35 Alliance trainers1:09 Basics1:30 1-703:29 71-1506:20 151-2309:53 231-30014:01 Black Lotus If you would like to. As far as Black Lotus/Fel Lotus drops. Black Lotus scarcity has been consistently among the top issues we’ve seen player feedback about, so we’ve decided to update how we handle Black Lotus spawns. Always up to date with the latest patch (1. Each of the spawn zones has a small set of spawn points for Black Lotus. 0 Notes; Classic Era and Hardcore Patch 1. In-Game Link In. A World of Warcraft Classic talent calculator with talents for each class. Aug 14th 2020 [WoW Classic 1. A community for World of Warcraft: Classic fans. It is used for a variety of alchemical purposes, including the creation of powerful flasks and potions. F. Golden Lotus. Black Lotus scarcity has been consistently among the top issues we’ve seen player feedback about, so we’ve decided to update how we handle Black Lotus spawns. . Six so far. They just increased the rate of black lotus spawns by adding end game herb nodes to the list of possible spawn locations. 1, 44. Easy way to fix Black Lotus camping issues. Ruke-jom-gabbar December 28, 2021, 5:33pm 6. Lore The black lotus (Nelumbium speciosum) is a flower found in classic World of Warcraft. It’s true that we allow more simultaneous players onto a Classic realm than were allowed in 2005, thanks to both hardware and software improvements, but this means that Black Lotus is more rare on a per-capita basis than it was 15 years ago. 5% chance to resist. Welcome to our Zul’gurub raid guide for WoW Classic! The troll-infested zone of Zul’gurub is found within Stranglethorn Vale and serves as an excellent entry point for raiding. The main point of the racial/enchant is that it allows you to level up herbalism easier from lower level herbs. Every 45 - 75 minutes a lotus would spawn at one of these ten locations. Always up to date with the latest patch (1. Assuming all nodes are immediately picked. can support Frostadamus on Twitch ^^Black lotus is an herb that can be found in the game World of Warcraft Classic. 0. Premium Powerups Explore Gaming. 1428 = Burning Steppes. Duration: n/a: School: Physical: Mechanic: n/a: Dispel type: n/a: GCD category: n/a: Cost: None: Range:. Welcome to Wowhead's Classic Profession Guide forBlacksmithing. Show 0 Comments. Ive found e black lotus and all three were in the smaller number nodes map (two of the lotus were in the same node. easy to find per google. I’ve tried everything I could find online and nothing changes. Each zone now has around 32 nodes. Black Lotus now spawns more often and can appear in many new locations. I did add in a few mob grinding spots to do if you. But wowwiki never mentions black lotus spawning in AV at any point I think. Its seems that only one Black Lotus can spawn in a zone at a time. Holy shit lol. I got a question according to the spawns on black lotus. Since the launch of WoW Classic, the game has used the spawn times and locations from original World of Warcraft, but population and social factors have led to Black Lotus being much. As far as Black Lotus/Fel Lotus drops. It is always in high demand and it is by far the rarest herb in Classic WoW: Black Lotus. Blindweed. I get 5-6 gold per 10 icecap. Now that they added a ton of new black lotus spawn locations. They just increased the rate of black lotus spawns by adding end. net Black Friday Sale: Up to 67% Off; Blizzard Explain Why Classic Hardcore Servers Are Down Longer; WoW Classic Patch 1. Recently a post made it to the front page about the price of Black Lotus on the Bigglesworth server. Comment by Chandrialla The Frostsaber kitties make for good grinding fodder in the upper 50's, especially if you're a skinner. It is possible to smoke black lotus in hookahs and dream of its glory. Tip: Click map to zoom. In the files for classic wow era, there exist serveral unfished dungeons, like this stormwind prison with multiple levels to it. They then just squirrel away their stock and only release a few at a time to the auction house, ensuring the price stays high because they know that the average player on the server will never. The price of a Black Lotus. The first one I want to mention is Burning Steppes. Black Lotus scarcity has been consistently among the top issues we’ve seen player feedback about, so we’ve decided to update how we handle Black Lotus spawns. Blacksmiths specialize in turning various ore and metals into plate and mail armor, weapons and other items, such as Arcanite Skeleton Key for opening chests and even Runed Copper Rod, for Enchanting. I go over the route, best times to farm, how to choose the. Blizzard. The earliest I've seen another lotus spawn was 15 minutes after, general consensus here is that a window generally lasts around 15/20 minutes? Gregardless • 3 yr. It seems that the (x2) Black Lotus' respawn time is close to 30 minutes. Respawn rates seem to be quick , never had more than 1 or 2 Black Lotus at a time but every 20 mins or so it seemed they would come back. Since the launch of WoW Classic, the game has used the spawn times and locations from original World of Warcraft, but population and social factors have led to Black Lotus being. Shaman Silithus Black Lotus Farm. 15. Follow Joker as he discovers 5 of the new Black Lotus spawn locations* in WINTERSPRING. Respawn timer is 5-30 minutes, with the bulk coming at 20 minutes to form an average of about 3 an hour. Black Lotus scarcity has been consistently among the top issues we’ve seen player feedback about, so we’ve decided to update how we handle Black Lotus spawns. Black lotus can be smoked in hookahs along with dreaming glory. In regards to the BL though…. That leaves, assuming most lotus are picked within a few min of spawn, between 36-60 Black lotus unaccounted for on the old timer system not even on the new timer system. As a mage or warlock you’re better off farming DME (lock or mage) or doing boost runs (mage) especially on a high pop server. Since the launch of WoW Classic, the game has used the spawn times and locations from original World of Warcraft, but population and social factors have led to Black Lotus being much. I find burning steppes to be one to the best area's to farm black lotus as not as many people farm here maybe due to lack of other herbs in the zone. ZG is a 20 man raid and has a short 3 day lockout. Classiccandy-blackrock August 17, 2023, 4:31am #1. It might be the best wow classic gold. GatherMate2 Black Lotus Update AddOns If someone smarter than me could make a guide for stupid people on how to update the GatherMate2 information to reflect the new BL spawns that would be awesome. Sell Price: 10. Enjoy. HUGE BLACK LOTUS DISCOVERY in Classic WoW Season of Mastery - YouTube. Lists every NPC in Classic WoW and lets you link through to them to see their location on the map. Hypêrspace-dalaran (Hypêrspace) 2019-04-22 14:11:46 UTC #41. . Most nodes are in difficult to reach places (in the middle of mob camps, high-level elite areas, etc). Another possibility would be double the time to four hours and allow it to be Chrono’d with other world buffs. I know wow classic gold is worth a lot more then osrs. Hey Guys. Admittedly I've been doing this for over 6 hours today, but actual 'WoW time' of that is probably less. The black lotus issue will only be a growing issue for the months to come until it has a negative impact on subs. Since the launch of WoW Classic, the game has used the spawn times and locations from original World of Warcraft, but population and social factors have led to Black Lotus being much more. This Wow Classic guide goes over the exact route I take for farming black lotus in Winterspring. We’re going to increase the spawn rate of Black Lotus, and we’re going to add many additional possible spawn locations in each of the Black Lotus zones. I Made a WoW Classic Cinematic inspired by my guild's journey through Ulduar. . ) is one of the biggest mod repositories in the world, serving communities like Minecraft, WoW, The Sims 4, and more. Since you can only report people who are doing exploitable gameplay if you can SEE THEM AND THEN RIGHT CLICK ON THEIR NAME, botters and gold sellers of the black lotus mafia have. 68g 34s 39c 4. Black lotus will be a lot easier to get in classic season of mastery. ago Sickened-But-Curious Updated Black Lotus Spawn Timers and Locations Discussion At this stage there's a lot of confusion and conflicting information. This guide goes over all the new spawn locations for the black lotus in Wow Classic. It requires 300 herbalism to gather. you will level up to make world of warcraft classic gold and sell it. 0). Thanks ! nice bot software. Classic WoW Bags & Storage Guide WoW Classic Endgame Herbalism Farming Routes 150-300. Alchemists can use it to craft various. This video is a detailed guide on the best route to find black lotus in Silithus for Wow Classic. The amount of black lotus in Classic should be increased to A so that the ratio = X:Y just like in Vanilla. 0). The easiest way to up these reputations is to buy the different tabards of these factions, then to run the. While the game may have looked and felt like Vanilla World of Warcraft, it was a different game entirely. An item from Classic World of Warcraft. 0 Known Issues List; Mike Ybbara on Blizzard's Approach to Meeting Player Demands; Classic Era Patch 1. One of the ongoing issues with World of Warcraft Classic has been the complaints about spawn rates with the higher population on realms. Item Level 60. They currently sell for 30G-40G a piece on our server. Since the launch of WoW Classic, the game has used the spawn times and locations from original World of Warcraft, but population and social factors have led to Black Lotus being much more. May 28 (source) Items and Rewards Preserved Contaminant and Gouged Eye of NZoth can now. ago. comments sorted by Best Top New Controversial Q&A Add a Comment kentdk • Additional comment actions. 22560 / 40 = 564 full raids flasked possible since August 26th. Open GatherMate2. View Uncommon Herbs Black Lotus from The Burning Crusade Classic. Quick Facts; Screenshots; Videos. This, by the way, also made gromsblood get quite high on demand aswell, wich means dme runs (atleast for me and on my server) are extremely profitable. There’s already more than . 00001% that does raid. There are a few max level herbs that can now spawn as a black lotus (like plague bloom). As of Legion patch 7. I wanted to show exactly how to use a lvl 14 hunter or lvl 26 shaman to scout black lotus out faster than anyone else. Kommentar von 7014 Looks like a little black flower. Black lotus obviously old word, Fel in xpac. Supplies Farming Horde War Effort Supplies Herbalism Guide Tailoring Guide in WoW Classic WoW Classic Endgame Herbalism Farming Routes 150-300 Zul'Gurub - Professions and. A game is rife with botting, boosting, extreme min-maxing, and world buffing. . Ruke-jom-gabbar December 28, 2021, 5:33pm 6. Cenarion Beacon is a quest item. . Added in Classic World of Warcraft. It automatically notifies the user when a herb spawns near the character. You can see around 30 spawn points on the map. Anyone above level 58 is able to participate and zone in. 17,914 65 1 Favorites. Live PTR 10. How to add unseen nodes to GatherMate2. I week 3 the amount of lotus per zone seems to be increased to 2 Lotus per zone. Since the launch of WoW Classic, the game has used the spawn times and locations from original World of Warcraft, but population and social factors have led to Black Lotus being much. However, the total amount of Black Lotus spawns on a server in the course of a given. Each zone now has around 32 nodes. Welcome to Wowhead's Classic Herb farming guide, focusing on end-game herbs like Black Lotus, Mountain Silversage, Dreamfoil, Plaguebloom, and Icecap! In this guide, we will cover everything about. Secondly, there are nice and big Black Lotus spawn points in Silithus. Black Lotus spawns will still be available as they were before, but the spawn timer is not confirmed to be the end of classic increased timer and 2 per zone, or the 1 per zone roughly every hour. The botters and gold farmers will control the. There is also a spawn point for the lotus on the eastern side of. Commentaire de 7014 Looks like a little black flower. In Warsong Gulch, several locations outside of the intended play area have been blocked off. WoW Classic WoW Classic General Discussion. I wanted to show exactly how to use a lvl 14 hunter or lvl 26 shaman to scout black lotus out faster than anyone else in Wow Classic. Black Lotus,best categorized Classic wow database, for patch 2. The only spot I found the black lotus is neither any of the spots listed on wowhead nor the comments. It's also a 24hr respawn time too. I've farmed silithus extensively in the past week with a group of guildies and we have noted that Lotus has been spawning somewhere between 50-70 minutes at 5 minute intervals. 1, 44. 0 coins. In addition, learn the farming st. WoW classic bots might have way higher margins however that make it more sensible to invest higher into proxy sources. Black Lotus scarcity has been consistently among the top issues we've seen player feedback about, so we've decided to update how we handle Black Lotus spawns. However, it can be found in many different places throughout the game world. Sounds like black lotus to me. spent about 15 hours now over the last week running laps around burning steppes and I still have yet to even see a black lotus blip on my. Black Lotus cannot be seen on-screen or on the minimap by players who are dead, unless they have Herbalism at level 300 or higher. Download the HerbalismData. Winterspring is a valley located in northeastern Kalimdor, east of Felwood and north of Azshara. Now that the spawn rate is 4x higher, there's NO. Premium Explore Gaming. Purple Lotus. It is indeed a very rare. . It is also considered an outdoor area, meaning that you. What are your price predictions for 1 Black Lotus on a PvP HC Server? We only seen PTR HC global realm which is PvE, there is no telling if there will be just 1 realm per region, or couple more (including PvP or PvE RP), we might hear. still be competition for the leather though. My account was re-investigated and I have…Excellent Black Lotus Route for Silithus. I think time will tell on the fate of the Black Lotus. Black Lotus scarcity has been consistently among the top issues we’ve seen player feedback about, so we’ve decided to update how we handle Black Lotus spawns. Found a black lotus in Dire Maul (PVP Arena in the middle) while there was an event going. The main reason that the black lotus is so expensive, is simply due to the fact it was designed for a population of a. I’ve put in a lot of work to try find them but the competition is so tough it’s almost impossible to farm. References [] ^ Black Lotus scarcity has been consistently among the top issues we’ve seen player feedback about, so we’ve decided to update how we handle Black Lotus spawns. I was reading the Black Lotus can drop from higher level nodes and that the Black Lotus respawn rate has been shortened to around 2mins15sec to 15mins? If this is the case i haven’t seen any of these changes on Sea of. A new spot in Eastern Plaguelands since the update! -- Watch live at de Walroz The Frost Lotus is currently the highest level herb in Wotlk there is, and is likely to stay the highest level herb in this exspansion! The Frost Lotus is as the previous Lotus; the Black Lotus (Pre TBC) and the Fel Lotus (TBC), used in Flasks, wich is the most common use of the Lotus plants. Item Level 60. Classiccandy-blackrock August 17, 2023, 4:31am #1. 0 (2005-09-13): Black Lotus is no longer soulbound. The biggest impact will be whether tbc-c servers will be a carryover of classic servers, or if. WoW Classic WoW Classic General Discussion. Holdmydots-mirage-raceway November 26, 2020, 7:57pm #1. The issue is that the herb doesn't seem to check if a Lotus has already spawned in the same location so you can now get a double spawn. ex. Hay algunos problemas en World of Warcraft Classic. The price for a single Black Lotus range anywhere from 10-30 gold, depending on. 3. Since the launch of WoW Classic, the game has used the spawn times and locations from original World of Warcraft, but population and social factors have led to Black Lotus being much. . The odd black lotus here and there bumps me up about 7-8 gold, but icecap is my workhorse herbalism profit maker. Added in Classic World of Warcraft. Since the launch of WoW Classic, the game has used the spawn times and locations from original World of Warcraft, but population and social factors have led to Black Lotus being much. Black Lotus cannot be seen on-screen or on the minimap by players who are dead, unless they have Herbalism at level 300 or higher. Yesterday we did BL farming in silithus with a couple of players, 4 black lotus in a row spawned each at around 10-15 minutes, but I don't know if that is always the case, was just this one time I noticed this. Bloodthistle. 7. Hi there everyone. Purple Lotus is one of the four types of Lotus and the most common of the four types. The go-to database for WoW Classic Seasons of Mastery, Classic Era, and more! The only places where Black Lotus can be found are in the following zones: Winterspring, Burning Steppes, Eastern Plaguelands, and Silithus. And yup, bunch of herbs spawn. . As of today 8000 herbs picked up mostly in plaguelands and winterspring i found a total of two black lotuses in all that time (2am and 7am). I highlighted my route I take when farming over all 4 possible zones with little. Black Lotus cannot be seen on-screen or on the minimap by players who are dead, unless they have Herbalism at level 300 or higher. Once they find a spawn they call it out and. So even if every raid had 4 people flasking, and 150 raids go per week, you'd still have enough black lotus for the server before they changed the spawn rate. WoW Classic. Alchemists can use it to craft various potions. Still unconfirmed. Join. With over 800 million mods downloaded every month and over 11 million active monthly users, we are a growing community of avid gamers, always on the hunt for the next thing in user-generated content. ex. Since the launch of WoW Classic, the game has used the spawn times and locations from original World of Warcraft, but population and social factors have led to Black Lotus being much.